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Tel: (240)344-4694

Tel: (240)575-9212

Fax: (240)457-4240

Office Hours: Mon thru Fri 8am-5pm
On call personnel available from 5pm-8am

Our Mission and goal

Shiloh Healthcare, LLC is a nursing service dedicated to the provision of quality nursing for residential services by skilled nurses and aides on nursing care, personal regular care, nutrition guidance, housekeeping, emotional support and personal hygiene, including but not limited to disease prevention, health-lifestyle promotion, and health living support services for persons of all ages.

We are dedicated to providing safe, superior, and loving nursing care services that are comprehensive, cost-effective, and integrated-delivery health care service to individuals who have health conditions that limit their ability to care for themselves.

Shiloh Healthcare, LLC is also dedicated to provide cost effective nursing care that focuses on the mental, physical as well as spiritual well being of our clients and to serve, help and enhance the quality of life and well-being of others.